Mark Hunter, DTM, World Champion of Public Speaking 2009
This lecture and Open House with Greater Bridgeport Toastmasters will focus on the individual benefits of being a Toastmaster and corporate benefits of having a Toastmaster club in your organization or community group. In addition to these elements, Mark will share some speaking and leadership skills about which he is passionate – skills that can be gained from being an active Toastmasters member.
Ideas that Mark will share in this presentation include:
• Corporate and individual benefits of being a Toastmaster • Aristotles Pillars of Rhetoric
• The 7 Deadly Sins of Public Speaking
• Words and their Purpose
• How to create a great speech in no time at all.
• Effective Body Language
• Motivating as a leader
• How to bring being present to a whole new level.
Notes: Free event
Date and Time: Wed, May 23, 2018, 5:00 PM – 7:30 PM Location: Bridgeport Public Library,
925 Broad Street, 3rd Floor Community Room, Bridgeport, CT 06604
Contact: Scott R. Davis, (203) 727-2487, Club URL:
Meet Our Presenter
The World Championship of Public Speaking competition is held annually at the Toastmasters International Convention. Every year, this competition attracts over 35,000 speakers from around the world. Mark was one of only five World Champions to come from countries outside the North American Continent when he won the prestigious honor of World Champion of Public Speaking. (Connecticut (USA) August 2009).
Mark calls the Gold Coast- (Queensland, Australia) home and is very passionate about Toastmasters. He firmly believes in the organization’s capacity to provide personal and professional development, in both leadership and communication, to all its members. Mark would know since has been in leadership positions for over 35 years, both in government and non-government sectors.
During his 32-year career as an educator, Mark spent 26 of these in leadership positions as a school principal. In addition to these positions, Mark has held positions on Queensland’s State Disability Council, and more recently, he held the position of CEO of Hopewell Services Inc., an organization that included a hospice, programs for children managing grief and a respite service for those with a terminal diagnosis.
Currently, his time and efforts are focused on his coach/trainer practice; assisting organizational leaders in the science of coaching for performance development as well as training small groups and individuals in public speaking and presentation skills. Because of his expertise, Mark is often called upon to present keynote speeches, workshops and educational sessions for organizations around the world.
A water skiing accident in 1975 confined him to a wheelchair but this did not inhibit him in the pursuit of his passions. Amongst his accomplishments are: Being the first primary school teacher and principal to navigate from a wheelchair in Queensland (perhaps even Australia!); A key facilitator in introducing innovative strategies to include children with disabilities in regular school settings; Winning 2009 World Champion of Public Speaking; CEO of a Hospice in Queensland to assist the dying in their greatest journey. Being a strong advocate for people with a disability, having experienced the prejudices first-hand, he continues to be an advocate for change. He has persisted when times were tough and persevered when those around him would have him do otherwise. He is both an optimist and a risk taker, traveling the world exhibiting a passion for life and lives it accordingly. Come to this lecture, you will leave inspired.