Color It In

Downtown Bridgeport Radiates with Diversity.

Its many hues of humans, food, art, and business make it a place unlike any other. Color It In is about taking action and adding to the vibrancy of the district. You can make your mark in Downtown Bridgeport by living here, locating your business here, activating vacant spaces here, installing public art, and placemaking. We want you to join us and Color In Downtown Bridgeport!


Downtown Bridgeport’s marketing channels offer ample opportunity to local businesses for promotion and community engagement. Learn more about how we can help you get the word out about your business or organization here.

Navigate Government

As a public-private partnership, the DSSD acts as advocate, liaison, promoter, and problem solver for the Downtown and provides a critical link between local government and the neighborhood. We work closely with various City and State departments, as well as elected officials, as we strive to improve the quality of life and vibrancy of the commercial corridor in Downtown Bridgeport. Learn more about local resources here.

Want to learn more about Color It In?

Contact us with questions and ideas for projects at 203.908.3622 or via email at